YouTube back up after being down

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Today, YouTube experienced a major outbreak as all the users across the world weren’t able to use the popular video streaming platform.

Around 9:20 ET, most of the users notice that the official website of YouTube and all of its apps and services were down including YouTube TV and YouTube Music. Every YouTube service was inaccessible for more than an hour after the breakage.

YouTube Logo
[Source: YouTube]
YouTube acknowledged about this outbreak in a tweet in which the popular video service said that:

“We’re working on resolving this and will let you know once fixed,” the Team YouTube account says. “We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and will keep you updated.”

It has been a rare occasion to see any Google-operated service with serious downtime as these services are working properly most of the times.

There have been some rare occasions in which we have seen YouTube being down including in Football World Cup this summer. The most famous incident of such an occurrence is a few years ago when YouTube faced hours-long global outage when the Pakistani Government tried to censor an anti-Islamic film.

The YouTube service was restored around 11 PM ET and the company said in a tweet that:

“We’re back! Thanks for all of your patience. If you continue to experience issues, please let us know.”

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