Microsoft pauses the latest Windows 10 Update after serious issues

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Recently, Microsoft rolled out its latest October 2018 Windows 10 update but many users have been facing some problems. According to the users, after installing the update they had their files missing from Pictures and Documents folders.

This problem, however, is faced by many early adopters who complained about this issue but many users have installed the update and they are facing no problem with the latest update but some users complained about having their files deleted.

Windows 10

In an official statement on their website, Microsoft said that,

“We have paused the rollout of the Windows 10 October 2018 Update (version 1809) for all users as we investigate isolated reports of users missing some files after updating,”

If you have installed the update and have experienced the same issue of your files missing or deleted then you should contact Microsoft so, they can pinpoint the exact issue with the update. Microsoft advises that if you have manually downloaded the update then you should not upgrade at the moment.

Not the smoothest update by Microsoft

At the moment, nothing is certain as what is causing the issue. Many users are reporting on Microsoft forums that they are experiencing problems. Every user is experiencing a different problem with this new update.

Many users complain about their files missing but different users are affected by this update in a different way. The most common solution would be rolling back the update but it doesn’t seem to work and bring back the files.

The full rollout of the latest update was scheduled on October 9th but now it looks like that this will be pushed back. This update is not the smoothest update rolled by Microsoft even though it has been tested as a part of the Windows Insider program before.

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