An official announcement has been made regarding Google Allo. Google has announced that it is soon going to shut down Allo, ending the run of yet another failed chatting app experiment by Google.
The news isn’t new and surprising and it was expected that Google will soon give up on Allo as it paused investment in Allo back in April of this year.
“[Allo] as a whole has not achieved the level of traction we’d hoped for.”
Allo failed drastically as Google hoped that this chat app will certainly be the one which will prove out to be a huge success for the company, but sadly it failed and now soon its support will be ended.
Allo will continue to work for the users until the March of 2019 and users have the ample time to export their conversation history until then after which app will stop working.
Given that Verizon is gonna launch RCS Chat on Google Pixel 3 and Pixel 3 XL, it was time that Google announced that it is ending support for Allo.
With the launch of RCS Chat, Google may finally find an iMessage sort of competitor that it has been looking for Android all these years, although it will be carried based and won’t be run by Google at all.