FontSquirrel is the topmost website that provides you with free fonts to download that are covered under commercial license and therefore can be used freely for commercial purpose without worry and free of charge, that can be used for work on images and website designs. Font Squirrel’s database has 100% free for use commercially legalized fonts.
Font Squirrel has a wide, varied selection of fonts that are presented on the website via exhaustive lists. There are several categories which neatly stack the fonts with lists such as recently added, popular etc. Each font comes with a symbol alongside which specifies where it can be used legally for commercial work. For some there might be a marking questioning it’s legal status which you can then go to its sister site to learn more. Only for some fonts you will be redirected to another site for download. For beginners FontSquirrel also provides an easy guide to understand how to download and use the fonts. Font Squirrel also let you upload your own fonts for free redistribution and use by the website users. Though before that you have to verify that whatever you are uploading is legally viable for use on their website. Font Squirrel also has its store where it sells its products, which the user can buy – paid fonts with exclusive deals, graphic tees and such. Font Identifier on the website lets you find similar fonts to the image you have uploaded, helpful with finding a legally free version of any font for your commercial work. Font Talk is the official forum of Font Squirrel where users can upload their queries and have them answered.
To download fonts from Font Squirrel you have to find the font of your choice first by browsing through the lists and after finding it, download the font kit which will be in a zip folder that you have to extract from and copy the font and CSS files onto the CSS folder of your website. Then add the code using the code editor. This lets you add a new font into your website.