Facebook fake “clone” message is going viral

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A few days ago, there was a security breach at Facebook which had affected over 50 million users who had use a new feature called “View As“. Although this feature was previously present on Desktop version, however, it recently made its debut to Facebook app and there was a vulnerability in it which caused the break.

After that, there had been a lot of talks in media that whether Facebook is safe or not? After that incident, a fake clone message is wandering around on Facebook.

[Source: TechBuzz]
A Facebook message is wandering around and forwarded by a lot of users who think that their account is cloned. The message is somewhat like this:

“Hi…, I actually got another friend request from you yesterday…which I ignored so you may want to check your account. Hold your finger on the message until the forward button appears…then hit forward and all the people you want to forward too… I had to do the people individually. Good Luck!”

This message warns you that your account has been cloned and ask you to forward this message. As the message states that the sender received a duplicate friend request from your duplicated account and you should forward this message.

Facebook told one of TV Channel that in the past week, there hasn’t been an increase in cloned accounts and this scam is not related or connected to the recent Facebook Security Breach in any way.

This, however, is a completely false message and spam and if you receive any such message from anyone one then you should ask about the link for your duplicated account and also don’t forward this message to anyone else to further spread this spam.

However, if your account is indeed cloned, then it better to report about that duplicated account of yours to Facebook so, it can be blocked and closed.

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