Apple Watch with USB type C Cord

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The Apple Watch was upgraded to a new model just recently and the newest model of Apple Watch comes with USB type C cord.

Apple didn’t do any special event for this feature of Apple Watch but they added the new cord USB type C cord for its Apple Watch model very quietly. It works in the same way as the previous cord with its round magnetic charger, but now this time it uses USB type C connector.

Apple Inc
[Source: Apple]
Some people might think that it is not a big change but it should be known that USB type C cord is quickly becoming the go-to cord type. Many of Apple’s own MacBook Pro laptops are shipping with USB-C ports only, which could be a driving force for the new offering.

This new USB type C is of the same price ($29) as USB-A types that Apple Watches have shipped with in the past. But, this new USB type C version only comes in the smaller 3-meter size while you get the older cable for 1 or 2 meters.

As there is another Apple event at the end of this month, this new cord has made people thinking if there will be more USB-C changes to its other products. Apple’s special event on 30th Oct is expected to launch new iPad Pro models. It should also be noted that while it appears you can buy it online now and the new cord will be added to stores.

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